Packaging recycling in Italy... look at the benefits!


Packaging recycling in Italy... look at the benefits!

From 1 January 2019 the environmental contributions for steel and aluminum decrease, increase for paper and cardboard, plastic and glass! This was established by the CONAI Board of Directors, having heard the opinion of the Consortium of the Ricrea, CiAl, Comieco, Corepla, Rilegno and Coreve chains.

Let's give some numbers:

  • Steel packaging at 3.00 € / tonne (previous value: 8.00 € / tonne)
  • Aluminum packaging, € 15.00 / tonne (previous value: € 35.00 / tonne)
  • Packaging in paper and cardboard, at € 20.00 / tonne (previous value: € 10.00 / tonne)
  • Plastic packaging, an average value of € 263.00 / tonne (previous value: € 208.00 / tonne)
  • Glass packaging, at € 24.00 / tonne (previous value: € 13.30 / tonne)

And for wooden pallets? The CONAI Board decided to further facilitate the re-use of wooden pallets in controlled production circuits, both new and re-used for consumption. To this end, it choses to reduce the percentage of the weight of the pallet to be subject to an environmental contribution from 40% to 20%.

Would you like to know more? Click here!

